Senin, 16 Mei 2011



About  : PSUB
Source : Mrs. Fitriah Andriawati


   PamekasanCityImplementation of PSUB ( Penerimaan Siswa Unggul Berprestasi) in SMAN 3 Pamekasan became tighten, that was followed by 247 participants from each regency in Madura. The requirepments for registry were same to the last year (02/05).

 PSUB in SMAN 3 Pamekasan was an action of snaring for students who had achievement as much as possible. Exactly in Tuesday, 3rd May 2011 the PSUB was held. Amounted to 247 participants followed this event. All of them came from each regency in Madura such as : Sumenep, Sampang, Bangkalan and Pamekasan. SMAN 3 Pamekasan decided some requirements for PSUB registry: the Participants’ value in their school report card, ranking, and achievements which they had gotten. Deducting of PSUB participants occured last year. But in this year it got increase about 5 participants than last year. 247 participants this year consist of 194 participants in field of academic and 53 participants in field of non academic. From 194 participants would be taken about 17 students only for excellent class. Because 13 students were from Amfibi competition. 8 students for colleage class, and then the rest of them about 13 students would be taken place in regular class. 

Many factors that made students of SMA in Madura involved PSUB in SMAN 3 Pamekasan. It caused the facilities for the PSUB winner like boarding school for students who came from the outside of Pamekasan, free fee, and the priority for using the new TIK laboratorium with its new facilities too. Apart  from that the school committees of SMAN 3 Pamekasan had some obtacles. In spreading the brochure to each nook and cranny in Madura. As far as we knew that Madura was surrounded by small islands. Especially the difficulty when the committee had to circulate the brochure to the small islands in sumenep and to the separated islands in Sampang regency. So, the committees advanced so fast to solve it. For the anticipation by asking for help to alumnus’ of SMAN 3 Pamekasan, the excellent students who came from the outside of Pamekasan to circulate the brochure and by via telephone with junior hihg school teachers. The second obtacle when the participants collected their raport, the data of their raport did not conform to the reality. It was same with last year. So the committee do verification about that. The bundles which proven were not approoriate. Mr. Arhab as one of committee of PSUB would return the bundles to the owner or the participants who had done the deceit.
And the last obtacle, the committee had to handle the false certificate from the participants of PSUB. In fact the certificates were authentic but the certificates were not theirs. “ the obtacle, when the participants collect their certificates. Good in academic or non academic especially for non academic certificate we ask for clarification to the CONI as sport agency in Pamekasan regency.” Said Mrs. Fitri as committee PSUB, yesterday in SMAN 3 Pamekasan (02/05).